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We All Have Times When We Do Not Feel Well and Recognize That We are Out of Balance.Sometimes We Go to the Doctor Only to Be told "There is Nothing Wrong". What is Actually Occurring is That This Imbalance Has Not Yet Become Recognizable as a Disease. With Ayurveda We Can Assess the Imbalance in Health.We are Made Up of Body, Senses, Mind and Spirit. Ayurveda Addresses All These Aspects of a Person and Recognizes That Each of Us is Unique and Responds Differently to All Aspects of Life. Ayurveda is Considered to Be the Olderst Healing Science and or iginated in India More Than 5,000 Years Ago. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit Word Meaning-The Science of Life.Ayurveda is Not a Substitute For Western Allopathic Medicine But is Complementary to It. Ayurveda is Used in Conjunction With Western Medicine to Make a Person Stronger and Less Likely to Be Afflicted With Disease And/Or to Rebuild the Body After Being Treated With Drugs or Surgery.
Ayurveda Deals Not Only With the Disease But the Diseased Person. It is a Complete Science of Life and Not Merely a Treatise on Some of the Medicines or Treatment of the Diseases.
Ayurveda Has Three Principles as Its Basic Premise. They are as Follows:

  1.  To Preserve the Health,
  2.  To Promote the Health of the Healthy Person, and
  3.  To Prevent and Cure the Disease of the Ill Person.

The Indian System of Medicine is Composed of Two Words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu Means ‘Life’ and Veda Means ‘Science.’ the Word Ayu (Life) Encompasses Body (Sarira), Senses (Indriya), Mind (Satva) and Spirit (Atma).Ayurveda is the Most Ancient Form of Medicine in the World and the Forerunner of All Other Great Systems of Medicine. It is a Comprehensive System of Health Care Derived From the Vedas Which is One of the Most Ancient Repositories of Knowledge.
Ayurveda Places Great Emphasis on Prevention and Encourages Maintaining Health by a Balance of Body, Mind and Consciousness According to One’s Own Individual Constitution. It Stresses the Need to Make Lifestyle Changes to Bring About and Keep This Balance.According to Ayurveda, Each Person Has a Particular Pattern of Energy, Which is His or Her Constitution. This Constitution is Determined At Conception by a Number of Factors and is the Same Throughout One’s Life. Many Factors, Both Internal and External, Can Disturb the Balance and are Reflected as a Change in One’s Constitution From the Balanced State to An Unbalanced State. Ayurveda Helps to Re-Establish One’s or iginal Constitution.

In Ayurvedic Philosophy, Everything in the Universe is Composed of Five Elements "The Pancha Mahabuthas "
The Five Are:-
  • Space (Akash)
  • Air (Vayu)
  • Fire (Tejas)
  • Water (Ap/Jala)
  • Earth (Prithvi)

    A block Diagram shows these Five >>>

  • These Combine into Three Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) or Bioenergetic Forces That Govern Our Health and Physical Constitution. Ayurveda Teaches Us to Balance These Energies in or der to Achieve Optimum Health and Well-Being in or der to Preserve Life.
    Structure of Doshas:-
    Vatta- Space (Akash) and Air (Vayu) Its Function is Rajasic in Nature. It is the Energy of Movement - Catabolic, Activating and Dynamic
    Pitta- Fire (Tejas) and Water (Jala) Its Function is Satwic in Nature. It is the Energy of Metabolism, Balancing and Transformative
    Kapha- Water (Jala) and Earth (Prithvi) Its Function is Tamasic. It is the Energy of Structure - Anabolic, Conserving and Stabilizing
    Among Most Basic Principles is the Theory of Tridosha and Triguna. the Balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha Complex Also Known as Tridosha (Three Basic Biological Units) Assures Maintanance of Physical Health. the Physical Health is Governed by the Balance of Triguna:-

    1. Satva
    2. Rajas and
    3. Tamas 

           The Three Psycological Aspects. the Imbalance of Either Tridosha or Triguna Leads to a Disturbance in the Normal Metabolism of the Body Which Leads to Pathological Manifestations of Diseases.Ayurveda Practises the Theory of Balance. According to Ayurveda,

      Health is the State of Balance And Disease is the State of Imbalance .

    One Of the Most Important Features of Modern Medicine Differentiating It From Ayurveda is the Method of Breaking Complex Phenomena into Their Component Parts and Dealing With Each in isolation. in Diagnosis, It Looks For a Single Cause; in Therapy, It Searches For the Active Principle. Modern Medicine Thus Developed a Reductionist Approach, Forgetting to Treat the Patient as a Whole. Ayurveda Lays More Emphasis on the Promotion of Positive Health and Prevention of Diseases. in Ayurveda, More Emphasis is Laid Upon the ‘Field’ Than the ‘Seed’. If the Field is Barren Then the Seed, However Potent It May Be, Will Not Germinate. Similarly, However Potent the Germ or the Bacteria May Be, They Will Not Be Able to Produce Disease in the Human Body Unless the Tissues of the Body are Fertile Enough to Accept Them and Help in Their Growth and Multiplication. Killing These Germs by Administering Medicine Would Not Solve the Problem Permanently. It May Give instant Relief, and Perhaps the Body Resistance During This Period Will Be Developed Enough as a Reaction to the infection by These Germs Which May Result in the Prevention of Their Further Attacks.We Cannot Live in An Absolutely Germ Free Atmosphere Even Though We Can Minimize It. the Only Thing That Can Be Done Safely is to Keep the Tissues of the Body Barren and Unreceptive to wards These Germs. Once the Body is Afflicted, the Tissues Should Be So Conditioned by Drugs, Diet and Other Regimens That These Germs or Bacteria Will Find the Atmosphere Hostile to wards Their Survival, Multiplication and Growth. in Ayurveda All Medicines and Therapies including Preventive Measures Aim At Conditioning the Tissues.Allopathic Drugs, Which are Employed Specially For Killing or ganisms, May Produce the Same or a Similar Effect on the Tissue of the Body. When They are Given in a Dose Sufficient to Kill the invading or ganisms, They May Simultaneously Kill the Friendly or ganisms in the Body as Well, and May Impair the Normal Functioning of the Tissues. Thus, They Produce Side or to xic Effects While Curing the Disease.Ayurvedic Medicines, on the Other Hand, While Conditioning the Tissues of the Body Against the or ganisms, Nourish and Rejuvenate Them. Thus, When the Disease is Cured, the Individual Gets Many Side Benefits.The Disease Takes Its or igin From A Particular Place . It Moves Through a Particular Channel and Then is Manifested in a Particular or gan. Therefore, Ayurvedic Treatment Always Aims to Correct the Site of or igin, the Channels of Circulation Along With the Site of Manifestation of the Disease.Except For a Few Modern Drugs (Minerals and Vitamins), All Other Medicines are Meant Exclusively For Treatment of Disease.

            Ayurvedic Supplements on the Other Hand are Given to All Individuals For the Preservation of Health. Ayurvedic Supplements Cure Diseases and in Healthy Individuals Prevent Disease and Promote Positive Health.Today We Doctors Have a Responsibilityas Health Professionals to Give Patients the Best; Therefore, We Need to Be Open Enough to Accept Other Healthcare Systems (Ayurveda, Chinese, Herbal Remedies, Etc). the Time Has Come, as in Many Other Fields, For a Symbiosis of the Traditional With the Modern and the Old With the New.


    History of Ayurveda 
    Brahma The Creator (God of Creation)
    Dakcha(Prajapati) Ashwins
    Divodasa Dhanvantari- Developed School of Surgeons(9th- 6th Century BC)/Nimi/Bhardwaja
    Sushruta (4 Th-5th Century Bc) Wrote First Standard Textbook of Ayurveda-Sushruta Samhit
    Nagarujuna (Revised Sushruta Samhita) 2nd Century Ad
    Atreya Funarvasu - Developed School of Physicians (8th-6th Century BC)

    1500 Bc Glass & Glaze Ceramus
    800-900 Bc Use of An Alphabet Adopted by Greece- Olympic Games-Mummy Case-
    700 Bc Fall of Zhou Dynasty in China (770 Bc)
    500 Bc Birth of Buddha(563-483 Bc)- Early Coins- Destruction of Bbabylon's Persian (539 Bc)-Sushrata Samhita
    300 Bc Alexander the Great
    200 Bc Agnivesha Samhita by Charaka
    Charaka 1stcentury Ad (Revised Agnivesha Samhita/ Wrote Charaka Samhita)
    Vagabhata 7th Century Ad (Ashatang Hridaya- Commentary on Charaka & Sushruta
    100 Ad Paper & Ink- Dead Sea Scrolls
    200 Ad Nagarjuna (Revision of Sushruta Samhita)- Galen- Imperial Roman Rule
    400 Ad Ayurvedic Text Transalated into Chinese- Gupta Dynasty- Sack of Rome (410 Ad)
    700 Ad Vagabhata (Ashtangasangraha & Ashtangahridya) -Chalukya Dynasty

    Ayurvedic Term Explaination
    1.Abbyanga Daily Oil Massage to Increase Circulation, Decrease Dryness and Reduce Vata Aggravation.
    2.Abbyantar  Snebana Internal Oleation. Part of Purvakarma (The Preparatory Procedures of Panchakarma), It is Specifically Designed to Liquefy and Dislodge Ama From the Dhatus.
    3.Abortifacient An Agent That Causes Abortion.
    4.Abscess A Swollen Area Accumulating Pus Within a Body Tissue
    5.Acne An Inflammatory Follicular, Papular and Pustluar Eruption Involving the Sebaceous Aooaratus
    6.Adhmana Flatulent.
    7.Agni The Element and Universal or ganizing Principle of Conversion, Light and Heat.

    Evolution of Disease
  • Local Accumulatiom of Dosha (Exciting Factors/ Causes & Potential Host Factors)
  • Reversible(Chaya)
  • Irrversible (Prakopa)
  • Dissemination of Dosha (Prasara) Spread to Other Sites
  • Prodromal Phase (Poorvroopa) Vague Symptoms
  • Irreversible Localization of Doshas (Sthanasanshraya)
  • Manifestation (Roopa) of Disease Clinical Presentation/ Features of Disease (Vyakti)
  • Differentiation Symptoms Subside or Become Chronic (Bheda)
  • Complications of Disease (Upadrava)


  • Causation of Disease (Allopathic- Western)
    • Genetic
    • Lack of Essential Nutrients
    • Stress -Traumatic,Infectious,Vascular,Tomor Growth
    • External Environment
    • Development of Disease
    Vata Properties
    Type Diseases Organs Functions
    Prana Vayu Intestinal Gas Head Enthusiasm
    Udana Vayu Lower Backache Chest Salivation
    Samana Vayu Arthritis Throat Eructation(Gas)Hiccoughs
    Vyana Vayu Sciatica Mouth Sneezing
    Apana Vayu Paralysis Nose Respiration
    Umbilicus Swallowing(Dysphagia) Blood Circulation
    Chest Throat Vitality Regulate Heart Beats
    Testes Skin Complexion Eye Movements
    Urinary Bladder Speech(Phonation) Movements of Limbs
    Regulates Secretion of Gastric Juices  Elimination of Semen, Urine, Feces
    Helps in Digestive Process Thigh Delivery of Fetus
    Stroke Groin
    Large Intestine Diseases
    Pitta Properties
    Types Diseases Organs Functions
    Pachak Pitta Gall BladderDisease Stomach Function of Liver
    RanjakaPitta Biliary Small Intestine Function of Spleen
    Bhrajaka Pitta Liver Liver,Spleen Converts Plasma to Blood
    Aalochaka Pitta Hyperacidity Skin Hair,Skin Pigmentations
    Sadhaka Pitta Peptic Ulcer Eyes, Vision
    Retina Color Discrimination
    Heart Responsible For Intelligence
    Gastritis Responsible For
    InflammatoryDiseases Co-Ordinates Function of Mind and Body
    Skin Disorder, Rashes, Hives
    Small Intestine Diseases
    Kapha Properties
    Type Diseases Organs Functions
    Kledaka Kapha Stomach Diseases Stomach  Prostaglandin Production
    Avalambaka Kapha Tonsillitis Chest Perceive Tste
    Bodhaka Kapha Sinusitis Tongue Digestive Juices
    Tarpaka Kpha Head/Brian Head and sinusCavities Nose,Mouth, Eyes Protected.
    ShleshakaKapha Bronchitis Joints JointFluids/Synovial Fluids
    Lung Congestion Nutrition to Mental Faculties
    Pneumonia CerebrospinalFluid
    The proportion of Elements or Panch Mahabhuta in the Human Body gives rise to the TRIDOSHAS: VATA, PITTA AND KAPHA. the Entire Biological Process of the living organism is governed by THE TRIDOSHAS.


    Nature of Dosh

    Seasons Increasing Dosha

    Foods Increasing Doshas

    1.Vata (Space &   Air) -

    1.Dynamic (Rajasic) 1.Cold, Cloudy & Windy Days,Winter & Rainy Season 1.Pungent (Katu),Bitter (Tikta), Astringent (Kasaya),Dry (Rooksha), Cold (Shita),Dried Leafy Vegetables, Fasting, Irregular Meals
    2.Pitta (Fire & Water)- 2.Balance &Transfoprmation(Satvic)
    2.Summer & Autumn 2.Pungent Katu), Sour (Amla), Salty (Lavan), Sharp (Tikshna), Hot (Ushna), Light (Laghu)  Sesame Oil, Green Leafy Vegetables, Curd, Whey, Fasting
    3.Kapha (Water & Earth- 3.Stable & Conservation(Tamasic) 3.Early Winter & Early Spring 3.Heavy (Guru), Sour (Amla), Salty (Lavan), Slimy(Pichla), Curd, Milk, Butter, Cold Foods Drinks 3.Heavy (Guru), Sour (Amla), Salty (Lavan), Slimy(Pichla), Curd, Milk, Butter, Cold Foods Drinks

    Other Dosha Increasing Factors


    Seat of Action

    Usual Place of Localization
    1.Excessive Exercises, Sky Diving,    Scuba Diving, Excessive Jogging, Keeping Late Hours, Excessive Lifting 1.Kinetic & Catabolic
    1.Colon 1.Abdomen- Splenomegaly, Abdominal Tumors/ Groin & Scrotum- Hernia, Hydrocele, Hematocele/ Constipation
    2.Anger , Fear, Grief, Excessive Sun Exposure 2.Movement 2.Stomach & Small Intestine 2.Skin- Rashes, Acne/ Blood- Leukemias
    3.Day Time Sleep, Excessive Sleep, Sedentary Nature, Excessive Eating 3.Metabolic - Heat
    3.Lungs & Stomach
    Properties of Elements
    The TRIDOSHAS Have Certain Properties as Described Here.
    Vata Quality
    Pitta Quality
    Kapha Quality
    Taste Sweet (Madhura)
    1.Cold 1.Hot 1.Cold 1.Sweet (Earth & Water =Kapha) 1.Decreases Vata
    2.Light 2.Oily 2.Heavy 2.Sour (Earth & Fire)
    3.Dry 3.Sharp
    3.Dense 3.Salty
    (Water & Fire)
    2.Decrease Pitta
    4.Rough 4.Light 4.Stable (Static) 4.Pungent (Air & Fire)
    5.Hard 5.Mobile 5.Slimy (Slippery) 5.Bitter (Air & Space) 3.Increases Kapha
    Sour (Amla) Salty (Lavan) Pungent (Katu) Bitter (Tikta) Astringent (Kasaya)
    1.Decreases Vata 1.Decreases Vata 1.Increases Vata 1.Increases Vata 1.Increases Vata
    2.Increases Pitta 2.Increases Pitta 2.Increases Pitta 2.Decreases Pitta 2.Decreases Pitta
    3.Increases Kapha 3.Increases Kapha 3.Decreases Kapha 3.Decreases Kapha 3.Decreases Kapha
    Heavy (Guru) Light (Laghu) Dull (Manda) Sharp (Tikshna) Cold (Shita)
    1.Decreases Vata 1.Increases Vata 1.Decreases Vata 1.Increases Vata 1.Increases Vata
    2.Decreases Pitta 2.Increases Pitta 2.Decreases Pitta 2.Increases Pitta 2.Decreases Pitta
    3.Increases Kapha 3.Decreases Kapha 3.Increases Kapha 3.Decreases Kapha 3.Increases Kapha
    Hot (Ushna)  Oily- Unctuous (Snigdha) Dry- Ununctuous
    1.Decreases Vata 1.Decreases Vata 1.Increases Vata 1.Decreases Vata
    2.Increases Pitta 2.Increases Pitta 2.Decreases Pitta 2.Increases Pitta
    3.Decreases Kapha 3.Increases Kapha 3.Decreases Kapha 3.Increases Kapha
    1.Taste Sensation 1.State of Metabolic Transformation
    2.Immediate Response 2.Delayed Response
    3.Effect localized and extended to the level of digestion 3.Systematic Effect after Metabolism
    4.Immediate Psychological Response 4.Delayed Response of Well Being or Otherwise
    5.Perceivable (direct taste on tongue) 5.Inferable from Action
    Effect of Panch Mahabhuta
    The Effect of PANCH MAHABHUTA in the Body Due to Imbalance of TRIDOSHAS:
    Body Humors &Tissues Earth(Prithvi) Water (JalaApa) Fire (Tejas) Air (Vayu) Space (Akasha)
    1.Catabolic(Vata) 1.Increase   1.Marked Increase 1.Increase
    2.Metabolic (Pitta) 2.Marked Increase 1.Increase 1.Marked Increase 2.Marked Increase
    3.Anabolic (Kapha) 3.Increase 2.Marked Increase
    4.Body Fluids- Plasma (Rasa) 4.Marked Increase 3.Increase
    5.Blood (Rakta) 4.Marked Increase Increase
    6.Muscle Tissue (Mamsa 5.Increase
    7.Adipose - Fat- Tissue (Meda) 6.Increase
    8.Bone (Asthi)
    9.Nervous Tissue & Bonr Marrow (Majja) 7.Increase
    10.Reproductive-Generative (Shukra) 8.Increase
    Relationship between panchmahabhuta,tridosha,rasa and gunas
    Ayurvedic Term Explaination
    Abbyanga Daily Oil Massage to Increase Circulation, Decrease Dryness and Reduce Vata Aggravation.
    Abbyantar Snebana Internal Oleation. Part of Purvakarma (The Preparatory Procedures of Panchakarma), It is Specifically Designed to Liquefy and Dislodge Ama From the Dhatus.
    Abortifacient An Agent That Causes Abortion
    Abscess A Swollen Area Accumulating Pus Within a Body Tissue
    Acne An Inflammatory Follicular, Papular and Pustluar Eruption Involving the Sebaceous Aooaratus
    Adhmana Flatulent
    Agni The Element and Universal or ganizing Principle of Conversion, Light and Heat.
    Agni Swedana A Procedure Used to Promote Sweating and Dilation of Channels Through Heating the Body.
    Agnidiptikara Gastric Stimulant
    Agnijanani/Vahnijanani Gastric Stimulant
    Agnimandandya/Vahnimandya Dyspepsia
    Agnirohini Plague
    Ahara The Ayurvedic Knowledge of Proper Diet. One of the Three Pillars of Ayurveda.
    Akash The Element and Universal or ganizing Principle of Space.
    Albuminuria Presence Ofalbumin in Urine
    Alexeteric Protective; Defensive; in Reference to Infectious Diseases; Antidotal
    Alexipharmac Antidotal
    Alochak Pitta The Metabolic Function Associated With the Eye.
    Aloopecia Baldness; Loss of Hair
    Ama The to xic Residue of Undigested Food That is the Source of Illness in the Body.
    Amamaruta/Ama-Vata Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Amenorrhoea Abnormal Absence of Menstruation
    Anaha Flatulence
    Anasaraca Accumulation of Fluid in Subcutaneous Connective Tissue
    Anorexia Loss of Appetite; Aversion to Food
    Anthelmintic Destroys or Expels Intestinal Worms
    Antiarrythmic Combating Irregularity of the Heartbeat
    Anticephalagic Headache Relieving
    Antidotal Counteracts Poison
    Antifebrile Relieving Fever
    Antilithic Preventing the Formation of Calculi or Promoting Their Dissolution
    Antiodontalgic Relieving to othache
    Antiperiodic Preventing Reoccurrence of a Disease or a Symptom
    Antipyretic Reducing Fever
    Antirheumatic Preventive or Curative of Rheumatism
    Anuloman The Aspect of Gastrointestinal Vitality Concerned With Proper Elimination.
    Anuwasan Basti An Oil, Basti, Which is Meant to Be Retained in the Colon For a Long Time.
    Apana Vayu The Sub-Dosha of Vata Which Governs the Elimination of Waste.
    Aperient Mild Purgative
    Aphrodisiac Arousing Sexual Desire
    Aphthous Relating to Minute Ulceration on Mucous Membrane With Grey or White Exudate in or al Cavity
    Arocaka Anorexia
    Arsah Piles;Hemorrhoid
    Asanas Hatha Yoga Postures Designed to Refine Physiological Functioning.
    Asasmya-Indriyarthe-Samyog The Improper Uses of the Senses.
    Ascities Abnormal Accumulation of Serous Fluid in Peritoneal Cavity
    Asepasamana Anticonvulsant
    Asma The Universal Intelligence of Nature. Also Known as Param Atma.
    Asmari Urinary Calculi
    Asradosa Dyscrasia
    Asraghna/Asranut That Which Cures Dyscrasia
    Asrk Blood
    Asthenia Weakness; Debility
    Asthi The Dhatsu or Bodily Tissue of the Bone.
    Atilekhana Excessive Reduction of the Body Weight
    Atisara Diarrhea
    Atistambha Hemostatic
    Aupasargikameha Gonorrhea
    Aushadbi The Ayurvedic Management of Disease. One of the Three Pillars of Ayurveda.
    Avapidana Nasya Herbal Mixtures Crushed and Squeezed into the Nostrils.
    Avasadan A Drug That Causes Depression in Body and Mind
    Avidahi Digestive
    Avsya That Which Diminishes Lobido
    Ayurveda The Science of Life, the Oldest Health-Care Science Known to Man.
    Baaddhamootraghna That Which Relieves Anurea
    Badakandinee With Firm/Strong Rhizomes
    Bahya Snehana External OleationUsed During Purakarma (The Preparatory Procedures of Panchakarma), Specifically Designed to Liquefy and Dislodge Ama From the Dhatus.
    Bajikaran Aphrodisiac
    Bala Refers to the Tenacity and Capacity to Survive Under Adverse Environmental Conditions
    Balabuddhivivardhine A Promoter of Muscle Strength, Resistance to Disease, and Intellect
    Balakara Promoter of Physical Strength and Resistance
    Balamedhonolarvardhini Promoter of Strength, Intellect and Digestive Power
    Balaprada That Which Gives Strength and Resistance to Disease
    Balva Tonic
    Balya This Term Carries Two Meanings, Viz., Muscular Strength and to ne as Could Be Judged From One's Capacity to Perform Physical Work; and Resistance to Disease, Decay and Degeneration; Resistance to Disease Has Two Aspects, Viz., Combatting the Virulence of the Disease and the Capacity to Inhibit or Neutralize the Cause of the Disease
    Bashpa Swedana Steam Bath. Art of the Preparatory Procedures of Panchakarma Specifically Used to Dilate the Shratas or Channels of the Body to Facilitate the Removal of Ama.
    Basti Theraputic Purification and Rejuvenation of the Colon One of the Five Main Procedures of Panchakarma.
    Bhagandaraghna Useful in the Treatment of Fistula-in-Ano
    Bhagnasandhanakrt That Which Promotes Union of Fractures
    Bheda The Sixth Stage of DiseaseManifestation Characterized by Complications.
    Bhedana Purgation
    Bhedana Strong Purgative
    Bhedi Cathartic
    Bhootaghna, Bhootaapaha With Psychoactive And/Or Antimicrobial Action
    Bhrajak Pitta The Metabolic Function Associated With the Skin.
    Bhrama Vertigo
    Bhramahara That Which Promotes Clarity of Mind and Dispels Confusion
    Bhrimhana, Brinhan That Which Promotes the Body Bulk
    Bhringaara That Which Blackens the Hair
    Bhusas The Five Elements.
    Bhutagraha Mental Disease
    Bhutaraksakara ThatWhich Cures Psychic Disorder
    Brihatkushtaghna Antileprotic
    Bruhan Nasya Medicated Oil Introduced Into the Nostrils to Nourish Both the Senes and the Brain.
    Buddhiprada That Which Promotes the Intellectual Faculties
    Caksusya Beneficial For Eyes
    Chakshusraavahara That Which Relieves Ocular Discharges
    Chandan Bala Oil Medicated Oil Used in Bahya Snehana to Pacify Pitta Dosha.
    Chandanagandha That Which Smells Like the Sandalwood
    Charaka The or iginal Commentator on Ayurveda, Considered to Be the Father of Ayurveda.
    Charaka Samhita The First and Most Authoritative Commentary on Ayurveda.
    Chardi Vomiting/Emisis
    Chardi Vomiting/Emisis
    Chardighna, Chardishamani Anti-Emetic
    Charmakantaka A Skin Disease
    Chaturhikavishamajwaranaashini Antimalarial (Particularly Against Quartan Fever)
    Chedini Expectorant
    Daahahara, Daahashamanee Refrigerant, Relieves Burning Sensation
    Dadrughna Indicated in Scaly and Exudative Affections of the Skin
    Dadrupaamaahara Indicated in Scaly and Exudative Affections of the Skin
    Dal Split Yellow Mung Lentil Soup.
    Dantarogaghna Effective in Dental Diseases
    Dantya That Which Promotes the Health of the Teeth
    Dardhyakara Invigorating
    Dasha Prasaman Refrigerant; a Drug That Cures the Burning Sensation of the Body or Which Cools the Body
    Deepan The Aspect of Gastrointestinal Vitality Concerned With Promoting Strong Digestive Fire.
    Deepanapaachana A Gastric Stimulant and Digestant
    Deepyaka, Dipana That Which Improves Digestion
    Dhaatupushitara That Which Nourishes the Body Tissue
    Dhaatupushitivardhaka Nutrient Tissue Homolog Which Nourishes the Tissue
    Dharma Lifes Purpose.
    Dhatu Agni The Metabolic FunctionAssociated With Each of the Seven Dhatus.
    Dhatus The Seven Retainable Substances or Structures of the Body. Bodily Tissues.
    Dhi Intellect.The Aspect of Sattva That Imparts the Ability to Conceive and Imagine.
    Dhruti The Positive Aspect of Rajas That Imparts the Ability to Implement Creative Thought.
    Dinacharya Daily Behavioral Guidelines For Maintaining Ideal Health.
    Dipanapacana Which Stimulates the Factors of Gastro Intestinal Digestion
    Dipani Gastric Stimulant
    Dosha The Functional Intelligence Within the Human Body Responsible For All Physiological and Psychological Processes.
    Dosha Gati The Twice Daily Movement That Each Dosha Follows From the Hollow Structures of the Gastrointestinal Tract to the Thicker Structures of Dhatus and Back Again. Also the Movement of the Doshas From Their Seats in the Gi Tract      to Their Nearest or ifice.
    Drava Swedana The Use of Hot Baths to promote Sweating.
    Dughaanika With Milky Latex
    Durjara That Which is Difficult to Digest
    Durnama Piles/Hemorrhoid
    Dustakautilya That Which Cures Psychic Disorder
    Dwandaj A Condition Where Two Doshas Have An Equally Dominant Influence in a Persons Prakruit or Constitutional Make-Up.
    Gada Disease
    Gadamala Scrofula
    Galagandahara Indicated in Glandular Swellings of the Ventral Part of the Neck (Goiter)
    Galagandahari That Which Cures Goitre
    Gandamaalahara,Gandaari Indicated in Glandular Swellings in the Neck Region
    Gandush Gargling With a Warm Saline Solution.
    Gara Poison
    Garala Poison
    Garavishahara That Which is Said to Neutralize Noxious or Poisonous Potions
    Garbhaantaka,Garbhapaatakara Abortifacient
    Garbhaashayasamshodhani Said to Cleanse the Uterus
    Garbhapatana That Which Induces Abortion
    Garbhapatini Abortifacient
    Garbhaposakrt That Which Nourishes Fetus
    Garbhasamsthapana That Which Prevents Abortion
    Garbhasaya Samaka Uterine Sedative
    Garbhasraavahara Anti-Abortifacient
    Garbhasthaapana That Which Promotes Conception (Pregnancy)
    Garvasaya Samkochaka Ecbolic; a Drug That Causes Contraction of the Uterus.
    Gati Mobility.
    Geru Heavy; That Which is Digested Slowly
    Ghee Clarified Butter.
    Gl0ssary of Medical Terms
    Glani Fatigue
    Gobhee, Gojee, Gojhwa Having Leaves Which are Rough Like the Cow's to ngue
    Graahi That Which Binds the Bowel (Astringent)
    Grahaghna Useful in Psychiatric Involvement
    Grahanirogaraha, Grahanirogaghna Indicated in Malabsorption Syndrome/Chronic Amebiasis Colitis
    Grantighna That Which Cures Glandular Enlargement
    Gudaartihara That Which Relieves Rectal Pain
    Gudabhramshara Indicated in Prolapse of the Rectum
    Gudakeelakahara Indicated in Hemorrhoids, Rectal Polyp
    Gulmaghna, Gulmahara Tumor-Like Conditions of the Abdomen
    Gunas The Three Phases of Activity in Creation as Well as the Three Qualities of the Mind.
    Hidmanaashaka, Hikkaghna, Hikkaashamana Indicated in Hiccough
    Hikka Hiccup
    Hridaya Cardiac to nic
    Hridayaavasaadaka Cardiac Depressant
    Hridrogaghna, Hridrogahara Indicated in Heart Diseases
    Hridrogashamana Indicated as a Palliative in Heart Diseases
    Indriyas The Five Senses.One of the Four Components of Ayu.
    Jaggery Dried, Unprocessed Sugarcane Juice.
    Jala The Element and Universal or ganizing Principle of Liquidity and Coheson. Also Known as the Water Element.
    Jalagardabha Pimples
    Jalodaranaashanee Useful in Treatment of Ascites
    Jantughna, Jantunaashanee Anthelminitic, Antimicrobial
    Jarana Digestion
    Jathara Agni The Digestive Fire, Located in the Intestinal Tract.
    Jeernajwarahara Useful in the Treatment of Chronic Fevers
    Jiva Atma The Individual Soul.One of the Four Components of Ayu.
    Jiwaniya A Drug Which Improves Vitality of the Body
    Jwaraghna,Jwarahara, Jwaravega, Naashaka Antipyretic and Febrifuge
    Kaamalaghna,Kaamalaahara That Which Cures Jaundice
    Kaasaghna,Kaasahara Antitussive
    Kaasapeenasahara Indicated in Chronic Bronchitis and Rhinitis
    Kaataashobhinee That Which Makes Women Look Beautiful
    Kal Basti A Basti That is Administered At a Specific Time For Maximum Effect.
    Kalihaaree That Which Eliminates the Vitiated Doshas
    Kamala Jaundice
    Kandoohara,Kandooghna Indicated in Skin Conditions Associated With Itching
    Kandu/Kanduti Pruritus
    Kandughan Antipyretic; a Drug That Cures Itching Sensation
    Kantharogavinaashani, Kantharogahara That Which Cures Throat Disorders
    Kanthashodhana That Which Cleanses the Throat
    Kanthashoolashodhana That Which Relieves Throat Pain
    Kapaalaviscarpaghna Indicated in Erysipelas of the Scalp
    Kapha The Dosha or Functional Intelligence Within the Body Governing Cohesion, Liquidity and Growth.
    Kaphaateesaaraghna That Which Cures Diarrhea Produced by Kapha
    Kaphajwarahara,Kaphajwaraghna That Which Cures Fever Caused by Kapha
    Kaphakaashara That Which Cures Cough or iginating From Kapha
    Kaphapittajwaraghna That Which Cures Fever involving Kapha and Pitta
    Kaphapittashamana That Which Relieves the Kapha Pitta Dosha
    Kaphashophahara Cures Edema Produced by Kapha
    Kaphodarahara Cures Abdominal Disease Produced by Kapha
    Kaphonmaadaghna Cures Insanity Produced by Kapha
    Kapikachhu An Herb Used to Improve the Function of Shukra Dhatu.
    Karma An Action or Procedure Used in Panchakarma Therapy.
    Karma Basti A Month-Long Basti Regimen Administered to Treat Vata-Related Disorders.
    Karnaartihara,Karnashoolaghna That Which Relieves Pain in the Ear
    Karnanaadaghna That Which Relieves Tinnitus
    Karnapidakaghna That Which is Indicated in the Treatment of Furuncles in the Ear
    Karnapooyaharam Indicated in Otorrhea
    Kashaaya Astringent
    Katti Basti An External, Localized Application of Medicated Oil  Used in the Region of the Back.
    Katu Pungent or Bitter in Taste
    Kaval Dharan Gargle
    Kaya Kalpa Ancient Rejuvenation Procedure.
    Keetamaaraka Anthelmintic, Insecticidal
    Kesya Hairtonic
    Khinihee Indicated in the Healing of Ulcers
    Kichari A Mixture of Basmati Rice and Split Yellow Mung Dal Used to Cleanse and Balance the Doshas During Panchakarma Therapy.
    Kiraatakita Intensely Bitter
    Kolam Having a Sour Taste
    Kotha Prasaman Antiseptic
    Krchra/Mutrakchra Dysuria
    Krimidoshara,Krimidoshanaashanee Indicated in to xic Conditions Arising on Account of Insects, Worms or Microbes
    Krimighna Anthelmintic, Antimicrobial, Disinfectant
    Krimihara, Krimighna, Kriminsorka Vermicidal/Anthelmintic/Antimicrobial
    Kshataghna Indicated in Trauma
    Kshatakshayashamanee Indicated in a Wasting Disease Associated With Injury
    Ksheer Basti A Medicated Milk Decoction Administered Through the Rectum Which Nourished All the Dhatus of the Body.
    Kshutshamani That Which Alleviates Hunger
    Ksya Emaciation
    Kukshishoolahara Indicated in Abdominal Colic
    Kushalee That Which Promotes "Health" (Well-Being)
    Kushtaghna Indicated in Skin Diseases
    Laghu Light, Easy to Digest
    Lekhana Basti A Strong, Penetrating, Cleansingbasti, Used Specifically to Reduce Kapha Dosha and Meda Dhatu.
    Lekhani,Lekhan That Which Aids in Reducing Corpulence
    LichenPlanus Syndrome A Skin Disease.
    Lochinee Soothing to the Eye
    Maamsakara That Which Promotes Muscle Growth
    Maarkava Indicated in the Treatment of Graying of the Hair
    Mada Intoxication
    Madana That Which Intoxicates or Exhilarates
    Madhudruma Refers to Sweetness of All Parts of the Tree
    Madhumehaghna Antidiabetic (Hypoglycemic)
    Mahaakleetaanika Indicated in the Treatment of Impotence
    Mahaakushtaghna Antileprotic
    Mahabhutas The Universal or ganizing Principles Which Structure and Govern All Physical Phenomena.
    Maharanayana Oil A Medicated Oil Used in Bahya Snehana (The External Oleaton Procedures of Purvakarma) Specifically to Pacify Kapha Dosha.
    Majja The Dhatu or Bodily Tissue of Bone Marrow. Also, the Term Used to Describe the Bone Marrow Fat Used on Occasion in Abyantar Snehana (Internal Oleation).
    Mala The Natural Metabolic by -Products Which are Always Eliminated From the Body.
    Malamootrasamshodhaka That Which Aids in the Elimination of Body Wastes Including Feces and Urine
    Malapaatana Aids in the Elimination of Body Wastes, Including the Feces
    Malapaatana Constipation
    Mamsa The Dhatu or Bodily Tissue of Muscle.
    Manas The Mind.One of the Four Components of Ayu.
    Manda Rice Water.The First Meal Eaten After Panchakarma.
    Mandagni Having Deficient Digestive Power
    Marma Sensitive Points Which Represent a Greater Concentration of the Body's Vital Force in That Area.
    Marsha Nasya A Small Self-Administered Oil Basti That Can Be Used At Any Time of the Day, Most Commonly Used to Reduce the Vata-Aggravating Effects of Travel, Exercise and Stress.
    Meda The Dhatu or Bodily Tissue of Fat (Adipose Tissue).
    Medhya That Which Promotes Intelligence
    Medhya,Medhakara, Medhyakara That Which Promotes Memory and Intellect; Brain to nic.
    Medohara,Medoghna Causes Reduction of Obesity
    Meha Polyuria
    Mehaghna That Which Relieves Polyurea
    Mohanaashinee Used in Treatment of the Treatment of Delusion
    Mootradoshahara That Which Causes Urinary Disorders
    Mootrakrichrahara Indicated in Dysurea
    Mootrala, Mutral Diuretic
    Mootrashodhani That Which Cleanses the Urine
    Mootravardhana That Which Promotes Micturition
    Mootravirechanee That Which Promotes Increased Micturition
    Mridurechaka,Mirdurechana Laxative (Mild Purgative)
    Mukharookshaghna,Muklashoshahara That Which Relieves Dryness of the Mouth
    Mukharukhara That Which Relieves Pain TheOral Cavity
    Mukhashodhanee That Which Cleanses the Mouth
    Mukhasosa Xerostomia
    Muklaroganaashani Indicated in the Treatment of Diseases of the or al Cavity
    Mutraghatahara That Which Cure Anuria
    Mutrala Diuretic
    Nadi Swedana Localized, Penetrating Steam Administered Specifically to the Joints and Spinal Area During Purvakarma.
    Nadis Very Fine Shrotas or Channels of the Body.
    Nasya Errhine; a Drug Which Promotes Nasal Discharge
    Nasya The Theraputic Cleansing of the Head and Neck Region. One of the Five Purificatory Procedures of Panchakarma.
    Netra Basti An External, Localized Application of Medicated Ghee Around the Eyes Used to Nourish the Eyes, Reduce Eye Strain and Improve Vision.
    Netra Tarpana Same as Netra Basti.
    Netraogahara,Netrarogaghna Indicated in the Treatment of Eye Diseases
    Netravikaarashamanee Palliative in Eye Disorders
    Netravranahara Indicated in Ulcerative Conditions of the Eye
    Netrya Beneficial to the Eyes
    Nidraanaashanee That Which Causes Insomnia
    Nidrajanan Hypnotic; a Drug That Brings Sleep
    Nirama Free From Undigested Material
    Nirooha Basti A Large, Herbalized Decoction Administered Into the Colon to Remove to xins and Wastes From the Body.
    Niruha Vasti A Simple Enema Free From Oil or With Very Little Oil
    Ojakshaya Depletion of Ojas.
    Ojas The Most Refined Product of Dhatu Metabolism Which Controls the Body's Immune Function.
    Paachana, Paachani Digestive
    Paandughna, Paanduhara Antianemic
    Paashaanabhdea That Which Breaks Stones
    Pachak Pitta The Metabolic Function Occurring in the Small Intestine.
    Pachampacha That Which Promotes Digestion
    Pachau The Aspect of Gastrointestinal Vitality Concerned With Improving Digeston and Metabolism.
    Pakwashaya Gata Basti Basti Administered Throught the Rectum. the Main Type of Basti Used in Panchakarma.
    Palankasha That Which Reduces the Body Bolk (Particularly the Body Fat)
    Palitapaha That Which Aggravates Pitta
    Panchakarma The Five Major Purificatory Procedures and Adjunct Therapies For Purifying and Rejuvenating the Body.
    Panchamahabhuta The Theory of the Five Elements.
    Panchendriya Vardhan Oil Oil Used in Nasya to Nourish Sensory Functioning.
    Param Asma The Universal Intelligence of Nature.
    Parinam The Negative Effects of the Seasons on the Body. the Third Major Cause of Disease After Pragya Aparadha and Astmya-Indriyartha-Samyog.
    Parjuna That Which Promotes Health
    Paryushit Food That No Longer Contains Vital Force or Prana.
    Paschatkarma The Post-Procedures of Panchakarma Therapy.
    Peenasaghna,Peenasanaashine Indicated in the Treatment of Chronic Rhinitis
    Peya Rice Soup.The Second Meal Eaten After the Main Procedures of Panchakarma Have Been Administered.
    Pichumarda A Cure For Skin Diseases
    Pinda Swedana A Fomentation Procedure Performed With a Bolus of Rice and a Hot Milk Decoction  to to nify the Muscles and Improve the Circulation.
    Pipaasashamani That Which Relieves Polydypsia
    Pishinchbali A Vigorous Herbal Massage Using a Bolus of Rice and a Large Amount of Oil to Improve the Mobility of Muscles and Ligaments.
    Pitta The Dosha or Functional Intelligence Within the Body Governing All Metabolic Processes.
    Pitta Sarak Cholagogue; a Drug That Causes Secretion of Bile
    Pittaateesaaraghna Indicated in Diarrhea Due to Pitta (Enteritis)
    Pittajwaraghna Indicated in the Treatment of Fever Due to Pitta
    Pittashamana Antibilious
    Pleeharogaghna, Pleehodarahara Indicated in Splenomegaly
    Pliha S[Leenomegaly
    Pradara Leucorrhoea
    Pradaraghna Antileucorrhis
    Pragya Apradha The Mistake of the Intellect.Considered by Ayurveda to Be the Foremost Cause of Disease.
    Prakopa The Second Stage of Disease Manifestation Characterized by Provocation or Aggravation of Ama At Its Site of or igin (In the Gi Tract).
    Prakruti The Inherent Balance of Doshas That is Most Beneficial to One's Life. the Constitution We are Born With.
    Prameha Polyuria
    Pramehaghna,Pramehashamana Relieves Polyurea (Diabetes)
    Prana Life-Force or Vital Force.
    Prana Vayu The Sub-Dosha of Vata Which Governs Sensory Functions and the Intake of Prana, Water and Food.
    Pranayama An Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise Which Increases the Intake of Prana. One of the Three Exercises of Vyayama.
    Prapaka Metabolism The Three Transient Phases of Digeston that take Plac in the Gastrointestinal Tract.
    Prasara The Third Stage of Disease Manifestation Characterized by the Migration of Ama From Its Site of or igin (In the Gi Tract).
    Prati Marsha Nasya Repeated Application of Medicated Oil to the Nostrils With the Tip of the Little Finger to Soothe Dry Mucous Membranes and to Protect Against Airborne Allergens.
    Prativisha An Antidote For Poisons
    Pravaahikaghna Antidysenteric
    Prithvi The Element and Universal or ganizing Principle of Form and Structure. Also Commonly Known as the Earth Element.
    Prtisyaya Nasal Catarah
    Punarnavaa Self-Renewing, Rejuvenating
    Purvakarma The Set of Procedures Used to Prepare a Person For the Main Purificatory Procedures of Panchakarma.
    Puttihar Deodorants; a Drug Which Causes Purification
    Rajas The Active Phase of the Mind.It Imparts Motivation and Initiative to the Mind. Also One of the Three Gunas or Phases of Activity in Creation.
    Rajasic Pertaining to the Qualities of Rajas.
    Rakta The Dhatu or Bodily Tissue of Blood.
    Rakta Bhar Vardhak A Vasoconstrictor
    Raktaateesaarashamana Palliative in Hemorrhagic Dysentery
    Raktakrit Hematinic
    Raktamokshana Theraputic Withdrawal of Blood.One of the Five Major Purificatory Procedures of Panchakarma.
    Raktapitta Hemorrhage Diseases
    Raktapittaghna Indicated in the Therapy of Hemorrhagic Diathesis
    Raktapittashamana Palliative in Hemorrhagic Diathesis
    Raktapittastambhana Hemostatic
    Raktarodhakara Styptic
    Raktashodhaka,Rakata Sodhak That Which Purifies the Blood
    Raktasravahara That Which Arrest Hemorrhage
    Raktastambhani, Rakta Stambhan That Which Promotes Clotting
    Raktatisara Blood Dysentery
    Raktavardhaka Menatinic
    Raktavikaarashamani Indicated in Hematological Disorders
    Raktotklishta Blood Disintegration (Hemolysis?)
    Ranjak Pitta The Metabolic Function Associated With the Liver.
    Rasa The Dhatu of Bodily Tissue of Plasma or Nutrient-Fluid. Also Refers to the Three Categories of Taste.
    Rasaayana, Rasaayanee Rejuvenator
    Rasaayani Lymphatics
    Rasayana One of the Branches of Ayurvedic Science Having to Do With Rejuvenation.
    Rasayana Rejuvenating
    Rasayana Basti A Type of Basti Which Has a Rejuvenative Influence on All the Dhatus.
    Recani Purgative
    Rechana Purgation
    Rechani Purgative
    Rochaka That Which Promotes Taste and Appetite Improvement
    Rochana Stomachic
    Rochinee That Which Promotes Wound Healing
    Ropana Purgative
    Ruchya An Appetizer
    Rucya Appetizing
    Rujaapaha Analgesic
    Rutucharya The Diet and Lifestyle Regimen Prescribed by Vihara to Take Into Account the Impact of Each of the Seasons on the Body.
    Sadhak Pitta The Metabolic Function Which Controls the Neuropeptides in the Brain as Well as Mental Processes.
    Saindhava Black Salt.
    Sama With Anadoshas, Immature Dishas Dhatus, and Mala
    Samagni Normal Digestive Power
    Samana Vayu The Sub-Dosha of VataWhich Governs the Metabolism and Distribution of Nutrients in the Body.
    Samgrahi Astringent
    Samsarajana Karma The Graded Administration of Diet. One of the Post-Procedures of Panchakarma Concerned With Strengthening the Debilitated Digestive Fire.
    Samsarjana To Bring to the Normal Diet
    Sanchaya The First Stage of Disease Manifestation Characterized the Accumulation of Ama in the Gastrointestinal Tract.
    Sangraahi That Which Binds the Bowels (Usually An Astringent)
    Sanipataja All "Dosha" Mixed to gether
    Sannipaatajwarahara Indicated in Highly to xic Fevers (Pneumonia, Typhoid, Meningitis, Etc.)
    Santarpana Palatable
    Sara Laxative (Mild Purgative)
    Sarkararh Urinary Calculi
    Sarnsana A Simple Purgative
    Sarpadashtavishaghna Antidote For Poisoning by Snake Bites
    Sattva The Creative Phase of the Mind.The Quality That Imparts Curiosity, Inspiraton and Creativity to the Mind. One of the Three Gunas or Phases of Activity in Creation.
    Sattvic Pertaining to the Qualities of Sattva.
    Semshamana Palliative
    Semsodhan Curative
    Shamana Basti A Theraputic Administration of Medicated Oil or Decoction Through the Rectum to Reduce Irritation in the Colon
    Shamana Chikitsa One of the Two Primary Methods of Disease Management Whose Purpose is Only to Palliate the Symptoms of Disease.
    Shamana Nasya A Theraputic Administration of Herbalized Oil Into the Nostrils to Soothe the Sinus Zone.
    Sharira The Human Body.One of the Four Components of Ayu.
    Sharkaraanivaarana Hypoglycemic
    Sharkaraashmareenaashaka Indicated in the Treatment of Urinary Gravel Grave.
    Shat Kriya Kal The Six Stages of Disease Manifestation.
    Sheetanut That Which Lowers the Body Temperature and Produces Chills
    Shiro Basti Medicated Oil Administered to Head Which Improves Prana and Sensory Functioning.
    Shiro Virechan Errhine, Snuff
    Shirodhara One of the Adjunct Procedures of Purvakarma Designed to Calm the Mind and Pacify Vata in the Central Nervous System.
    Shirodhara Indicated in the Treatment of Cranial Diseases
    Shirovirechana Theraputic Cleansing of Head and Neck Region. Also Called Nasya, It is One of the Five Main Purificatory Procedures of Panchakarma.
    Shodhana Basti A Theraputic Administration of Medicated Decoctions to Cleanse the Colon of to xic Substances and Waste Products.
    Shodhana Chikitsa One of the Two Primary Methods of Disease Management Whose Focus is to Eliminate the Source of Disease.
    Shodhana Nasya A Theraputic Administration of Medicated Oil Into the Nostrils to Eliminate to xins From the Paranasal Sinus Zone.
    Shodhaneeya That Which Cleanses and Eliminates
    Shoola Prasaman Analgesic
    Shoolaghna, Shoolanaashanee. Shoolaapaha Said to Cure Colic (Generally Abdominal)
    Shoshaghna Anticachectic
    Shothaghna,Shophaghna Anti-Edematous/Antidropsy
    Shristavinmootrakara That Which Increases the Quantity of Stools and Urine
    Shrotas The Gross and Subtle Channels of the Body.
    Shuklaprada,Shukrapravardhaka Spermatogenic
    Shukra The Male and Female Reproductive Tissue of the Body.
    Shukrakrit,Shukrala Spermatogenic
    Shvasahar Antihistaminic, Bronchial, Antispasmodic
    Shwaasaghna,Shwaasahara Antispasmodic, Antidyspnoic
    Shwaasahita Useful in the Treatment of Dyspnea
    Shwaasashamana That Which Relieves Dyspnea
    Shwaaskaasahara Antidyspnoic and Antitussive
    Shwetakushtaghna Indicated in the Treatment of Leucoderma (Vitiligo)
    Shwitraghna,Shwitrahara Indicated in the Treatment of Vitiligo or Leucoderma
    Smriti Memory.More Specifically, the Positive Aspect of Tamas That Imparts the Ability to Remember Those Things That are Beneficial For Our Lives.
    Smritiprada,Smritivardhakara That Which Promotes Memory and Intellect; Brain to nic.
    Snaayurogaghna Indicated in the Treatment of Diseases of the Ligaments, Tendons, Etc.
    Snehana Oleation
    Snigdha Unctuous
    Snodhana Radical Elimination/Purification
    Somarogaghna Indicated in the Treatment of Somaroga (Variously Interpreted as Gynecological, Hormonal, or Metabolic Disease)
    Sotha Edema
    Sphotajanak Vesicant
    Srotovishoshan Purifier of Channels and Tracts
    Stanya Galactogogue
    Stanyadaa,Stanayavardhani That Which Promotes the Secretion of Breast Milk
    Stanyajanaka,Stanyakari Galactogogue
    Stanyanaashini That Which Inhibits the Secretion of Breast Milk
    Sthana Samshraya The Fourth Stage of Disease Manifestation Characterized by Augmentation of the Disease Process.
    Stombhan A Drug That Causes Constipation
    Streepushpajananee Emmenagogue
    Sudravardhana Spermatopoitic
    Sula Colic
    Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation in Hatha Yoga Asanas.
    Susbruta One of the Main Commentators of Ayurvedic Science After Charaka, Whose Focus Was Surgical Procedures and Purification of the Blood.
    Susbruta Sambita Susbruta Commentary on Ayurveda.
    Svadu Madhurarasa
    Svasa Dyspnea
    Svayathuhantri That Which Cures Edema
    Swedahara That Which Inhibits Perspiration
    Swedakari,Swedajanana, Svedana Diaphoretic
    Swedana One of the Two Main Purvakarmas (Preparatory Procedures of Panchakarma) Whose Purpose is to Dilate the Channels of the Body So That the Doshas Can Easily Transport the Dislodged Ama Back to the Gi Tract For Elimination.
    Swedopaga,Swedya That Which Promotes Diaphoresis
    Taila Oil.
    Takta Bhar Samak A Vasodilator
    Tamas The Phase in the Mind That Brings Activity to An End. It Imparts Dullness and Inertia to the Mind and Causes a Loss of Knowingness.One of the Three Gunas or Phase of Activity in Creation.
    Tamasic Pertaining to the Quality of Tamas.
    Tapa Swedana The Application of Dry Heat to the Body to Reduce Inflammation and Congestion in the Joints.
    Teekshna Acute/Pungent
    Tikshahni Excessive Digestive Power
    Tikta Bitter
    Tikta Ghrita Medicated Ghee With a Predominantly Bitter Taste Used in Abyantar Snehana (Internal Oleation) to Remove Ama From the Dhatus.
    Til Oil Sesame Oil.
    Timirahara, Timiraghn That Which is Said to Cure Cataracts
    Triphala A Laxative, Combination of Three Fruits.
    Trishnaahara,Trishnaghna,Trishnaapaha That Which Relieves Thirst
    Tuvara Astringent
    Tvacya Beneficial For Skin
    Tvagdosa Cutaneous Affection
    Twagrogaghna Said to Cure Various Skin Disorders
    Udaavartaghna Said to Relieve Retention of Urine, Feces, and Flatus
    Udana Vayu One of the Sub-Doshas of Vayu Which Governs Strength, Speech and the Elimination of Carbon Dioxide.
    Udarashoolahara Indicated in Abdominal Colic
    Udvartana A Type of Theraputic Massage Using Powder Instead of Oil to Reduce Meda Dhatu and Excess Kapha.
    Unmaadahara That Which is Said to Cure Insanity
    Unmatta That Which Induces Psychotropic Effects (I.E., Stimulates the Central Nervous System)
    Upanaha Swedana A Theraputic Application of Warm, Medicated Poultices Used to Treat Arthritis.
    Ura Basti Medicated Oils That are Retained on the Chest and Heart Area to Reduce Congestion.
    Uraraghna, Udararogaghna Said to Cure Abdominal Diseases
    Urdhaobhag Har A Drug That Cleanses the Upper Portion of the Body by Throwing Out Waste Through the Upper Passage, Viz., the Mouth and Nose
    Uskleshana Basti Theraputic Administraton of Medicated Decoctions Through the Rectum to Promote Secretions in the Colon Which Liquefy and Expel Ama and Waste Material.
    Utkleshashamana That Which Relieves Nausea or Retching
    Vaajeekara Aphrodisiac
    Vaataghna Indicated in Diseases of the Nervous System
    Vaataghni, Vaatapotha Anti-Vaatic
    Vaataraktaghna Useful in the Treatment of Gout-Like Conditions
    Vaatavedanaahara Antineuralgic
    Vagabhata A Major Commentator on Ayurvedic Science After Charaka and Susbruta.
    Vaidya An Ayurvedic Physician.
    Vaishamya The ProportionateInfluence of the Doshas That Allows Us to Perceive the Predominance of One Over the Others.
    Vajirarana Basti A Basti Which Promotes Vigor and Vitality. Also Used to Enhance Fertility.
    Vaktrajadyanisudani That Which Cures Dysarthria
    Valaasahara That Which Relieves Edema
    Valasa Consumption
    Valya Invigorating
    Vamana Emetic
    Vamana Theraputic Vomiting or Emesis.One of the Five Main Purificatory Procedures of Panchakarma.
    Vamanahara That Which Relieves Vomiting
    Vamanakara That Which Induces Vomiting
    Vamanashamani Anti-Emetic
    Vamanopaga Emetic
    Vanhiakara That Which Promotes Gastrointestinal Digestion
    Vanti Vomiting/Emisis
    Varnakara, Varnya Useful in Promoting Good Complexion of the Skin
    Varnya That Which Improves Complexion
    Vasa An Oleated Substance Composed of Animal Fat Used in Abyantar Snehana (Internal Oleation).
    Vastirogaghni Said to Cure Diseases of the Urinary System (Particularly of the Bladder)
    Vastirogahara, Vastirogavinaashini Indicated in the Treatment of Diseases of the Urinary System, Especially Relating to the Bladder
    Vastisodhana That Which Cures Bladder Complaints
    Vata The Dosha or Functional Intelligence in the Body That Governs Movement, Transportation and the Drying and Separating Functions.
    Vata Shamak Oil The Medicated Oil Used in Bahya Snehana (One of the Main Procedures in Purvakarma) to Pacify Vata.
    Vatala That Which Aggravates Vata
    Vataraktahari That Which Cures Gout
    Vatishodhanee That Which Cleanses the Urinary Bladder
    Vayu The Element and Universal or ganizing Principle of Movement. Also Commonly Known as the Air or Wind Element.
    Veda The Knowledge of the to tality of Life.
    Vedanaasthaapana Analgesic, Local Anesthetic
    Veeryaprada Highly Potent
    Vibandhashamanee That Which Relieves Constipation
    Vidahi That Which is Difficult to Digest
    Vidradhi Internal Abscess
    Vihara The Ayurvedic Knowledge of Proper Lifestyle. One of the Three Pillars of Ayurveda.
    Vikruti The Imbalance in the Doshas That Obscures Ones Prakruti or Ideal Constitutional Balance.
    Vilepi Thick Soup of Soft Cooked Rice Usually Eaten on the Second Day After Panchakarma.
    Vipaka The Post-Absorptive Phase of Digestion.
    Virechanee, Virechan Purgative
    Virekashreshtha The Best Among Purgatives
    Vireshana Therapeutic Purgation.One of the Five Main Purificatory Procedures of Panchakarma.
    Viriaya Aphrodisiac
    Visarpa Erysipelas
    Visarpahara That Which is Said to Cure Erysipelas
    Vishadoshaghna That Which is Said to Cure Disorders Caused by Poisons
    Vishahara, Vishaghna Antidote For Poisons
    Vishalya That Which Removes Foreign Bodies
    Vishamajwaraghna, Vishamavegi Said to Cure Remittent and Intermittent Fevers (Like Malaria
    Vishramsana Laxative
    Vishtambhakaghnee Antiflatulent
    Vishtambhi That Which Causes Flatulence
    Visphotahara Indicated in Eruptive Conditions
    Vivandha Constipation
    Vranaapaha, Vranaghna Indicated in the Treatment of Wounds
    VranagataBasti> Medicated Liquids Used to Irrigate and Heal Abscesses and Wounds.
    Vranapaachana That Which Promotes "Ripening" of Abscesses
    Vranaropana That Which Promotes Healing of Ulcers and Wounds
    Vranashodhana That Which Cleanses Wounds
    Vriddhinaashani Indicated in the Treatment of Growths (Benign or Malignant)
    Vyakta The Fifth Stage of Disease Manifestation Characterized by the Manifestation of a Clear Set of Symptoms.
    Vyana Vayu One of the Sub-Doshas of Vata Which Governs the Cardiovascular System.
    Vyayama Three Exercises Prescribed by Vihara Which Give Energy Rather Than Expend Energy; Hatha Yoga Postures, Pranayama, and Sun Salutation.
    Yakriduttejaka Hapatic Stimulant
    Yakritodaraghna That Which is Said to Cure Ascitis Involving Liver Pathology
    Yakritrogahara Indicated in Hepatic Disorders
    Yakritvriddhihara That Which is Said to Cure Hepatomegaly
    Yog Basti An Eight Day Oil Basti Regimen Specifically Designed to Calm Vata and Nourish the Colon
    Yonidoshaghna That Which is Said to Cure Uterine Disorders
    Yonivishodhana That Which Cleanses the Uterus
    Yonivyaapadvinaashani Useful in the Treatment of Gynecological Disorders
    Yooka-Likshaashamanee Indicated in the Treatment of Pediculosis
    Yoshinee Stated to Be Useful in the Promotion of Health in Women
    Yusha Dal (Yellow Mung Lentil Soup) Eaten on the Second Day After Panchakarma.
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    Shah, R.M. Prof.Yoga-Yogasana and Pranayama For Health.(Navneet Publications, 1995).
    Sharma, P.V. Prof.Classical Uses of Medicinal Plants.(Chaukhaniba Bharati Academy, 1996).
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    Sinha, Phulgenda, Dr.Yogic Cure For Common Diseases.(Orient Paperbacks, 1976).
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    Murthy K. Poornima - Recepies (Private Collection-1998), Mysore,India
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