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Blood Alcohol Content Calculator |
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When you drink an alcoholic infusion, about 20 percent of the alcohol is absorbed
in the stomach and about 80 percent is absorbed in the small intestine.
The time it takes for your body to absorb the alcohol and for you to begin to feel
its effects depends on:
- If you have eaten food lately. Food in your system will slow down the speed at which
the alcohol is absorbed.
- The "proof" or concentration of alcohol in the drink. The greater the concentration,
the faster the absorption.
- The type of drink. If the drink is carbonated or fizzy, the alcohol in the drink
will be absorbed faster.
- Your gender or sex. Women have been found to absorb alcohol differently. Women have
lower levels of water in their blood so their alcohol concentration will be higher
after drinking the same amount of alcohol as a man. Studies have shown that the
enzyme which is important in the body's breakdown and removal of alcohol is less
active in women as compared to men.
When the alcohol is absorbed in your stomach or small intestine, it immediately
enters the bloodstream and liquefys in the water of the blood. This can occur within
20 minutes after having a drink and is what is calculated in a blood alcohol test.
The level of alcohol in the blood is important because the blood carries the alcohol
throughout the body. As the blood moves through your body, the alcohol in the blood
is transferred to the water inside almost every tissue and organ of the body. And
when this occurs, you begin to feel the effects of alcohol.
Calculates an individual's blood alcohol content based on the quantity of beverages
consumed, the alcohol percentage in each drink, the person's weight, and the time
spent consuming the drink.
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