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Elderly Health, Aging, Prevetive Guidelines
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Our objective to make this site page was developed to help older adults and their families and friends to understand how to keep mentally fit and to learn where they can get help if they are concerned about depression, anxiety, alcoholism or other mental health problems. It provides information about resources made for older persons who may need advice, counseling, support, advocacy or other help in Philadelphia.   The non-profit Aging With Dignity was established because you and your family deserve better. We provide you with the practical information, advice and legal tools you need to ensure your wishes and those of your loved ones will be respected. By helping you improve your own quality of care, we can bring about dramatic change, one person at a time.    Healthy aging is the development and maintenance of optimal physical, mental and social well-being and function in older adults. It is most likely to be achieved when physical environments and communities are safe, and support the adoption and maintenance by individuals of attitudes and behaviors known to promote health and well-being; and by the effective use of health services and community programs to prevent or minimize the impact of acute and chronic disease on function.     Nursing homes will always play an important role for seniors and their families, but statistics show that a very small percentage of people are living in those facilities now," Craig said. "The fact is that people are healthier and living longer, and we need to sustain the service infrastructure that allows senior citizens the opportunity to remain in their communities and enjoy a healthy, meaningful, and productive life near family and friends.   Aging successfully should include good mental health.Some important tips for maintaining good mental health: Be flexible and learn to adapt to changing circumstances. Use your mind and stay active. Use with care prescription or over-the-counter medications, such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills or alcohol. Get regular physical checkups. Set goals for yourself and work toward them. Check your general attitude: positive or negative? Have you laughed recently? Exercise regularly, eat nutritiously, and get adequate sleep. Learn the signs of depression; it is treatable. Avoid isolating yourself; isolation is a breeding ground for depression. Develop and maintain good relationships with others for support.      


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