Balance (Chair):
Instructions: Place a hard armless chair against a wall. The
following maneuvers are tested.
1. Sitting down
2. Sitting balance
3. Arising
4. Immediate standing balance (first 5 seconds)
5. (Stand) side-by-side standing balance |
6. Pull test (person at maximum position attained in
#5, examiner stands behind and exerts mild pull back at waist)
7. Able to stand on right leg unsupported
8. Able to stand on left leg unsupported
9. Semitandem stand |
10. Tandem stand
11. Bending over (to pick up a pen off floor) |
12. Toe stand
13. Heel stand
Instructions: Person stands with examiner, walks down 30-ft walkway (measured).
Ask the person to walk down walkway, turn, and walk back. The person should use
customary walking aid.
14. Initiation of gait (immediately after told to
15. Path (estimated in relation to tape measure).
Observe excursion of foot closest to tape measure over middle 8 feet of course.
16. Missed step (trip or loss of balance)
17. Turning (while walking)
18. Step over obstacles (to be assessed in a separate
walk with two shoes placed on course 4 feet apart)