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Target Heart Rate Calculator
Exercise should be an important part of your overall health and
weight management program. Target Heart Rate is a common tool used to determine
how hard you should exercise during aerobic activities, such as walking and
jogging, in order to get the maximum benefit. Your Target Heart Rate is between
60 to 80 percent of the maximum rate your heart can beat.
If you are exercising and your heart rate isn’t reaching the
target heart rate, it will take longer for you to see any benefits. In fact,
the further below the target you are, the more ineffective the exercise will
be. You are more likely to get frustrated sooner from your exercise program
because you will not be seeing the results you desire.
If you exercise too hard and your heart rate is over 80 percent,
your risk of injury or burn out is higher. It is not necessary - and even
dangerous -- to be working at the higher rate. It will not result in you losing
weight or getting in shape more quickly. Your heart will be simply working too
fast for any benefit and your body won’t be able to replenish oxygen that
Enter your age to find a target heart rate during exercise.
You'll get the most out of your activities by staying within this range of
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How to Check Your Heart Rate
Right after you stop exercising, take your pulse: Place the tips of your first
two fingers lightly over one of the blood vessels on your neck, just to the
left or right of your Adam's apple. Or try the pulse spot inside your wrist
just below the base of your thumb.
Count your pulse for 15 seconds and multiply the number by 4.
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