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Assess Your Allergy Risk Factors |
Unanswered Questions will be Highlighted in Red. |
1. Are your symptoms worse around animals? |
2. Do you have any blood relatives with allergies? |
3. Do you have mood swings or feel depressed for no reason? |
4. Do you have recurrent yeast infections, jock itch, Athlete’s foot or fungus under your toenails? |
5. Do you develop symptoms after eating or drinking certain foods? |
6. Do you sometimes feel stimulated, hyperactive or fatigued after meals? |
7. Do you have dark circles under your eyes? |
8. Do you have a crease across the bridge of your nose? |
9. Do you have fatigue? |
10. Do you have frequent headaches? |
11. Do you have sneezing, post nasal drainage or itching of the nose? |
12. Do you have frequent colds? |
13. Do you experience dizziness? |
14. Do you get sinus infections every year? |
15. Do your eyes itch, water, get red or swell? |
16. Do you have recurrent ear infections? |
17. Do you have asthma, wheezing, tightness in the chest or chronic cough? |
18. Do you have skin problems such as eczema, skin rashes, itching or hives? |
19. Do you have indigestion, bloating, diarrhea or constipation? |
20. Do your symptoms worsen during a particular season, such as the spring or fall? |
21. Do your symptoms change when you go indoors or outdoors? |
22. Are your symptoms worse in parks or grassy areas? |
23. Are your symptoms worse in the bedroom after going to bed, or in the morning upon arising? |
24. Do you awaken in the middle of the night with congestion? |
25. Are your symptoms worse when you come into contact with dust? |
You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that don't cause problems
for most people. These things are called allergens. Your body's overreaction to
the allergens is what causes symptoms (see the box below for a list of symptoms).
For example, sometimes the term "hay fever" is used to describe your body's allergic
reaction to allergens in the air.
Your doctor may want to do an allergy skin test to help determine exactly what is
causing your allergy. An allergy skin test puts tiny amounts of allergens onto your
skin to see which ones you react to. Once you know which allergens you are allergic
to, you and your doctor can make a decision the best treatment. Your doctor may
also decide to do a blood test, such as the Radio Allergo Sorbent test (called RAST)
or the Immuno Cap test.
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