Unanswered Questions will be Highlighted in Red. |
1. Have you noticed any deformity in your hands or feet? |
2. Do you experience fatigue beyond what you would consider normal? |
3. Did you fall recently? |
4. Do you experience low grade fevers? |
5. Is your affected joint tender to the touch? |
6. Is your joint pain symmetric - affecting the same joint on both sides of the body (i.e. both knees), or is it asymmetric - affecting the joint on one side of the body (i.e. one knee)? |
7. Do you have symptoms of psoriasis as well as symptoms associated with arthritis? |
8. Do you have generalized, widespread muscular pain? |
9. Do you get pain relief from anti-inflammatory medications (i.e. aspririn, ibuprofen, naprosyn etc.)? |
10. Are you overweight? |
11. Does regular, gentle exercise lessen your pain? |
12. Does applying heat or cold to the affected joint relieve your pain? |
13. Do other members of your family have arthritis? |
14. Do you feel persistent pain in one or more of your joints? |
15. Do you feel pain in one or more joints which worsens with movement or activity? |
16. Do you feel stiffness in your joints in the morning? |
17. Is it possible you injured yourself recently at work or playing sports? |
18. Does one or more of your joints appear swollen? |
19. Does one or more of your joints appear red or feel warm to the touch? |
20. Have you noticed a change in the range of motion of any of your joints? |