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Sexual Orientation Assessment, self assessment for sexual orientation
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Sexual Orientation Assessment Print this page Mail to friend(s)
Unanswered Questions will be Highlighted in Red.
1. First name and last initial (only):
2. What is your age?:
3. Please select your highest degree.
4. What is your Race / Ethnicity?
5. Please select your Gender.
6. Have you ever felt sexually attracted to a member of the same sex?
7. How strongly are you attracted to members of the same sex?
8. Have you ever had a dream about a sexual encounter with a member of the same sex?
9. Have you ever had a waking fantasy about a sexual encounter with a member of the same sex?
10. Have you ever felt sexually aroused when you've had any exposure to two people of your same gender having a sexual encounter (through gossip, a video, or some other means)?
11. Have you ever voluntarily had sexual contact (such as kissing or petting) with a member of the same sex?
12. Would you be willing to have sexual relations with someone of the same sex?
13. How frequent are your same-sex fantasies or dreams?
14. How frequent are your same-sex encounters?
15. Have you ever felt sexually attracted to a member of the opposite sex?
16. How strongly are you attracted to members of the opposite sex?
17. Have you ever had a dream about a sexual encounter with a member of the opposite sex?
18. Have you ever had a waking fantasy about a sexual encounter with a member of the opposite sex?
19. Have you ever felt sexually aroused when you've had any exposure to someone of your gender having a sexual encounter with someone of the opposite sex (through gossip, a video, or some other means)?
20. Have you ever voluntarily had sexual contact (such as kissing or petting) with a member of the opposite sex?
21. Would you be willing to have sexual relations with someone of the opposite sex?
22. How frequent are your opposite-sex fantasies or dreams?
23. How frequent are your opposite-sex encounters?
The lower your scores, the more heterosexual your orientation. The higher your scores, the more homosexual your orientation. The wider the range, the greater your sexual flexibility and the more choice you have about how to behave sexually.


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