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You may not have heard of bladder cancer, but it's actually fairly common in the US. Men are more likely to get it than women, especially men who smoke and work in the rubber, aluminum, or textiles industry. But both men and women can take steps to lower their risk. To access your Bladder Cancer Risk completely, at Scienceoflife we have produced a general questionnaire with a fair knowledge of risk Factors and related knowlegebase.

Questionnaire : To estimate your risk of bladder cancer, take about 2 to 3 minutes to answer some questions about your health, lifestyle and personal background. Please fill in these questions to access your risk of Bladder Cancer.

1. What is Your Sex?
2. What is Your Age?
3. Have you ever had any type of cancer (except for non-melanoma skin cancer)?
4. Do you smoke cigarettes?
 No, I never smoked cigarettes
 I used to smoke cigarettes, but I quit
5. Have you ever worked in the production of rubber or aluminum or have you ever come into contact with aramatic amines?
6. When working with the substances, did you use protective gear? Protective gear includes respirators, eye protection, gloves and boots.
7. Has your brother, sister or parent ever had bladder cancer?

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Risk factors Most scientists agree that these things affect the risk of bladder cancer. Some may apply to you, but others may not.

Age and bladder cancer : The risk of bladder cancer goes up with age. Most cases are diagnosed in people over age 65. For men, the average age at diagnosis is 71; for women, it's 73.

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Sex and bladder cancer : Men have a significantly greater risk of bladder cancer than women. One possible reason for this is that men are more likely than women to smoke and to be exposed to chemicals, which are two risk factors for bladder cancer.

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Smoking cigarettes and bladder cancer : People who smoke cigarettes have a higher risk of bladder cancer. When they inhale, chemicals filter into their urine. Urine is stored in the bladder. The chemicals cause cells in the bladder to become cancerous. It doesn't matter how much a person smokes. Even if someone smokes 1 cigarette a day, he still has a higher risk of bladder cancer than a non-smoker. The more a person smokes, the higher the risk. Soon after quitting, the risk begins to drop. People who smoke cigarettes have a higher risk of cancers of the kidney pancreas, lip, mouth, tongue, larynx, throat, and esophagus. Women who smoke have a have a higher risk of cervical cancer. People who smoke even have a higher risk of other diseases like diabetes bone loss (osteoporosis), emphysema, and bronchitis!

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Workplace chemicals and bladder cancer : People who are exposed to certain workplace chemicals have a higher risk of bladder cancer. This is because some chemicals can damage the genetic structure (DNA) in the body's cells. DNA damage causes cells to become cancerous. Workplace chemicals linked to bladder cancer include aromatic amines. They're used in the rubber, aluminum, and textile industries.

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Family history and bladder cancer : People who have a mother, father, brother, or sister with bladder cancer have a higher risk of the disease. This is because some bladder cancer is linked to mutations in the genetic structure (DNA) of the body's cells. These mutations can be passed on from generation to generation. With many diseases, people who have a family history have a higher risk. A family history raises the risk of several cancers like breast colon, bladder,kidney and skin cancer. It also raises the risk of diabetes bone loss (osteoporosis) and stroke.

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Fact Analysis

What is bladder cancer? Bladder cancer occurs when cells in the bladder grow out of control. The cells clump together and form a malignant (cancerous) tumor. The bladder is a hollow, balloon-shaped organ that stores urine. It's made of flexible muscle that expands when it fills and shrinks when it empties. It empties urine through a tube called the urethra
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How common is bladder cancer? About 53,000 Americans are diagnosed with bladder cancer each year.

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Who is at risk of getting bladder cancer? Anyone can get bladder cancer, but it usually strikes people over age 50. And the risk goes up with age. Men are more likely to get bladder cancer than women. In fact, it's nearly three times more common in men than women. People with a family history of bladder cancer also have a higher risk.

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How do you lower your risk of bladder cancer?

  • Don't smoke.
  • Avoid exposure to chemicals that can cause bladder cancer. Chemicals linked to bladder cancer include aromatic amines. They're used in the rubber, aluminum and textile industries.

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What is the screening test? There is no good screening test to find bladder cancer in its early stages. If you're concerned about bladder cancer, talk to a doctor about your risk. If your risk is high, a doctor may want you to get certain tests.

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What are the symptoms of bladder cancer? The symptoms of bladder cancer may include:

  • Blood in your urine
  • The need to urinate often
  • Pain when you urinate

These symptoms can also be caused by something less serious. Only a doctor can know for sure. If you have any of these symptoms, talk to a doctor.

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