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Prostate Cancer Risks Print this page Mail to friend(s)

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among US men. It's not always life threatening, but it forces many men to make a decision about treatment and its side effects. To access your Prostate Cancer Risk completely, at ScienceofLife we have produced a general questionnaire with a fair knowledge of risk Factors and related knowlegebase.


Questionnaire : To estimate your risk of Prostate cancer, take about 2 to 3 minutes to answer some questions about your health, lifestyle and personal background. Please fill in these questions to access your risk of Prostate Cancer. only for man

1. What is your sex?
2. What is your age?
3. Have you ever had any type of cancer (except for non-melanoma skin cancer)?
4. What is your height?
Feets Inches
5. Have you ever had a vasectomy?
6. Has your brother or father ever had Prostate cancer?
7. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic/Latino?
8. Which category best describes your race?

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Risk factors : Most scientists agree that these things affect the risk of ovarian cancer. Some may apply to you, but others may not.

Age and Prostate cancer : The risk of Prostate cancer goes up with age. Over 90 percent of cases are diagnosed in men over the age of 55.

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Height and Prostate cancer : Tall men have a higher risk of Prostate cancer. Scientists aren't sure why. One reason may be that tall people have more cells in their bodies, which increases the number of cells that could become cancerous. Another reason may be that tall people grow faster as children. Faster growth is linked to changes in the genetic structure (DNA) of the body's cells, eventually causing them to become cancerous. Tall men also have a higher risk of colon cancer. Tall women have a higher risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.

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Foods with animal fat and Prostate cancer : Men who eat less than 5 servings a day of foods that contain animal fat have a lower risk of Prostate cancer. Scientists aren't sure why. One reason may be that animal fat affects hormone levels that raise Prostate cancer risk. Foods that contain fat from animals include beef, lamb, whole milk, and cheese. One serving is a small amount of food, enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Men who eat limited amounts of animal fat may also have lower blood cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart attack.

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Foods with tomatoes and Prostate cancer : Men who eat at least one serving of tomato-based food a day have a lower risk of Prostate cancer. Tomatoes have an antioxidant called lycopene. Antioxidants are powerful substances that can help protect cells from becoming cancerous. Tomato-based foods include spaghetti sauce, tomatoes, salsa and even pizza sauce! One serving is about 1/2 cup of sauce.

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Vasectomy and Prostate cancer : A vasectomy is an operation that prevents sperm from traveling from the testicles to the penis. It is one of the most popular forms of birth control in the US. Men who have vasectomies have a slightly higher risk of Prostate cancer. Scientists aren't sure why.

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Family history and Prostate cancer : Men who have a father or brother with Prostate cancer have a higher risk of the disease. This is because some Prostate cancer is linked to mutations or changes in DNA. These mutations can be passed on from generation to generation. The younger and closer the relative, the higher the risk. With many diseases, people who have a family history have a higher risk. A family history raises the risk of several cancers like bladder, kidney and skin cancer. It also raises risk of heart disease, diabetes, bone loss (osteoporosis) and stroke.

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African-American ethnicity and Prostate cancer : African-American men have a higher risk of Prostate cancer. In fact, they have the highest rates of Prostate cancer in the world. Although scientists aren't sure why, one possibility is that African-American men have hormone levels that are linked to higher risk. As a group, African-American men also eat foods that increase their risk of the disease.

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Asian ethnicity and Prostate cancer : Asian men have a lower risk of Prostate cancer than other men. Although scientists aren't sure why, one possibility is that Asian men eat foods that are linked to lower risk. Or they may have hormone levels that lower their risk of the disease.

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Fact Analysis

What is Prostate cancer? Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the Prostate grow out of control. The cells clump together and form a malignant (cancerous) tumor. The Prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system, found below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It makes fluid that mixes with sperm from the testicles.

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How common is Prostate cancer? Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the US, and its more common among older men. About 180,00 American men are diagnosed with the disease each year. To compare this with other cancers.

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Who is at risk of getting Prostate cancer? All men can get Prostate cancer, but it usually strikes men over age 50. And the risk goes up with age. African-American men have a higher risk than other men, while Asian men have a lower risk. And they are more likely to get Prostate cancer at an earlier age. Men who have a family history of Prostate cancer also have a higher risk. 

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How do you lower your risk of Prostate cancer?
  • Cut back on food with animal fat (like red meat, processed meat, cheese, and other full fat dairy products)
  • Eat more tomato-based foods (like pasta or pizza with tomato sauce) 
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Who should get Prostate cancer screening tests? The American Cancer Society recommends that men age 50 and older talk to their doctor about getting screened yearly. African American men and other men at high risk may begin screening at an earlier age, based on the advice of their doctors.

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What are the symptoms of Prostate cancer? Most Prostate cancer has no symptoms. Some men with Prostate cancer have problems urinating. But this problem is usually caused by something less serious. Only a doctor can know for sure.

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