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What's e-Clinical Trials |
An e-clinical trial is an evidence
based, IT supported, Interactive Approach to access
Patients/Consumers Feedback about particular Medicines or Suppliments. In
contrast to conventional Clinical Trial,
Its Self Monitored process with following facts in comparison to Clinical
No Phase in e- Clinical Trial:
(typically medicines / herbs/ suppliments available in market are judged
through evidence of the patients or consumers)
Choosing an e-Clinical Trial:
(Its solely on user's discretion to provide Feedback / Evidence as in
social welfare)
Some issues to consider before enrolling in a e-Clinical Trial:
Eligibility - scienceoflife.com
validates its User Interface to Include appropriate study volunteers.
Recruitment forms list "inclusion criteria": things like disease type,
treatment status, medical history, age range, gender, ethnicity and other
factors necessary to join the trial. Forms may also list what investigators
aren’t looking for, known as "exclusion criteria."
Benefits - Although e-clinical trials offer no
guarantees, Analytical reports/ graphs generated throgh consumer Ratings
are sometimes enough to help them.
Risks - The e-clinical trial process is not risk-free as Side
effects in available medicines. But its less risky as you have user feedback
about side effects.
Duration - e-clinical trials can last anywhere from a few
weeks to several years. Its very easy process as you can submit your evidence
through internet from anywhere.
Cost -Ideally, No cost at all but your Medicines/Labs which
you invest on prescription of a physician of your choice
e-Clinical Trial Steps:
(Before proceeding, you should no these are Steps to perform:
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