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Fever in Children


What is a normal temperature?

A normal temperature is about 98.6°F when taken orally (by mouth). Temperatures taken rectally (by rectum) usually run 1° higher than those taken orally. So a normal temperature is about 99.6°F when taken rectally. Many doctors define a fever as an oral temperature above 99.4°F or a rectal temperature above 100.4°F.

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How should I take my child's temperature? The most accurate way to take your child's temperature is orally or rectally with a digital thermometer. In a child younger than about 4 years, take the temperature rectally. In an older child, take it orally.
  • Mercury thermometers should not be used. Mercury is an environmental toxin, and you don't want to risk exposing your family to it. If you have a mercury thermometer at home, you should remove it and use a digital thermometer.
  • Don't bundle your baby or child up too tightly before taking the temperature.
  • Never leave your child alone while taking his or her temperature.
  • Be sure you use the right thermometer. Read the package instructions to see if you have an oral or rectal thermometer.
  • If you're taking your child's temperature rectally, coat the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly (brand name: Vaseline) and insert it half an inch into the rectum. Hold the thermometer still and do not let go. When the thermometer beeps, remove it and check the digital reading.
  • If you're taking your child's temperature orally, place the end of the thermometer under the tongue and leave it there until the thermometer beeps. Remove the thermometer and check the digital reading.
  • After you're done using the thermometer, wash it in cool, soapy water. 
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When should I try to lower my child's fever?

Fevers are a sign that the body is fighting an infection. The main reason to treat your child is to make him or her feel better. When your child is achy and fussy, you may want to give him or her some medicine.

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How much medicine is needed to lower a fever? Acetaminophen (brand names: Children's or Infants' Tylenol) relieves pain and lowers fever. How much acetaminophen your child may need depends on his or her weight and age, as shown in the chart below. When the age and weight don't match, use the weight as the main guide. The doses in the chart may be a little higher than what's on the medicine package. Ask your doctor if you have any questions.

Talk to your doctor before giving ibuprofen (brand names: Children's Advil, Children's Motrin) to your child. Your doctor will tell you the correct dose for your child.

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Age Weight Acetaminophen dose (every 4 hours)
0-3 mos 6-11 lbs. Ask your family doctor
4-11 mos 12-17 lbs. 80 mg
1-2 yrs 18-23 lbs. 120 mg
2-3 yrs 24-35 lbs. 160 mg
4-5 yrs 36-47 lbs. 240 mg
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Tips on giving medicine

  • Don't give more than 5 doses in 1 day.
  • Don't give a baby younger than 4 months old medicine unless your family doctor tells you to.
  • Read labels carefully. Make sure you are giving your child the right amount of medicine.
  • If using drops, fill the dropper to the line.
  • For liquid elixir, use a liquid measuring device to make sure you give the right dose. Get one at your drug store or ask your pharmacist.

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Why not use aspirin to lower my child's fever?

In rare cases aspirin can cause Reye's syndrome in children who have the flu or the chickenpox. Reye's syndrome is a serious illness that can lead to death. Because it may be hard to tell if your child has one of these infections, it's best not to use aspirin.

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Are there other ways to help my child feel better?
  • Give your child plenty to drink to prevent dehydration (not enough fluid in the body) and help the body cool itself.
  • Keep your child still and quiet.
  • Keep the room temperature at about 70°F to 74°F.
  • Dress your child in light cotton pajamas so that body heat can escape.
  • If your child is chilled, put on an extra blanket but remove it when the chills stop.
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Will a bath help lower my child's fever?

Used together, acetaminophen and a lukewarm bath may help lower a fever. Give the acetaminophen before the bath. If the bath is given alone, your child may start shivering as his or her body tries to raise its temperature again. This may make your child feel worse. Don't use alcohol or cold water for baths.

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When should I call the doctor? If your child has any of the warning signs listed in the box below, call your family doctor.

Under 1 month old. Call your doctor right away if your baby's temperature goes over 100.5°F rectally, even if he or she doesn't seem sick. Babies this young can get very sick very quickly.

One to 3 months old. Call your doctor if your baby has a temperature of 100.5°F (even if your baby doesn't seem sick) or a temperature of 99.5°F that has lasted more than 24 hours.

Three months and older. If your child has a fever of 101.4°F, watch how he or she acts. Call your doctor if the fever rises or lasts for more than 3 days. In children 3 months to 2 years of age, if the temperature is 102°F, call your doctor even if your child seems to feel fine.

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Call your doctor if your child has any of these warning signs

  • Changes in behavior
  • Constant vomiting or diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Earache or pulling at ears
  • Fever comes and goes over several days
  • High-pitched crying
  • Irritable
  • Not hungry
  • Pale
  • Seizures
  • Severe headache
  • Skin rash
  • Sore or swollen joints
  • Sore throat
  • Stiff neck
  • Stomach pain
  • Swelling of the soft spot on the head
  • Unresponsive or limp
  • Wheezing or problems breathing

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