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Toilet Training for Child
Many parents worry about toilet training their young children. Most of the time
parents will know when their children are ready. However parents should not
rush toilet training nor should they have unrealistic expectations. Patience is
Most children are ready to begin toilet learning between the ages of 2 and 4
years but certainly not before the age of 2. Remember, each child is different.
It takes between 3 and 6 months before your child is out of diapers for good.
Signs that a child is ready to be toilet trained:
The child can walk to the potty (or adapted toilet seat)
The child can steadily sit on the potty
The child's diaper remains dry for a few hours in a row
The child can follow simple instructions
The can let you know when he/she needs to "go"
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Helping your child during this period
This does not have to be a rushed or stressful time. A relaxed approach is
Here are some helpful tips adapted from The American Academy of Pediatrics:
Be patient and don't worry about accidents: they WILL happen
Share the same consistent approach with other care givers, like the
grandparents, baby sitter or day care staff
If you don't use a potty(which is preferable), a toilet seat adapter and a
footstool will be necessary
Make sure the potty is in a place that your child can get to easily
In order to help your child get used to the potty, let him/her sit on it while
fully dressed. Then he/she can sit on it after the wet diaper has been removed
To show your child what a potty is used for, put a dirty diaper in it
Take your child to the potty several times each day and encourage him/her to
sit on it for a few minutes without wearing a diaper
Encourage your child to tell you when he/she needs to go and praise
him/her(even if it is too late)
Learn and watch for the signs that he/she needs to go
Develop a routine by having your child sit on the potty at specific times
during the day, such as after getting up in the morning, after meals or snacks,
before naps and before bedtime.THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP. IT
Praise your child often BUT NEVER punish your child when accidents happen or
things don't go smoothly
When your child has used the potty successfully for at least a week, try cotton
underpants or training pants
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How do you teach your child to use the toilet?
After your child has become comfortable with flushing the toilet and sitting on
the potty chair, you may begin teaching your child to go to the bathroom. Keep
your child in loose, easily removable pants. Place your child on the potty
chair whenever he or she signals the need to go to the bathroom. Your child's
facial expression may change when he or she feels the need to urinate or to
have a bowel movement. Your child may stop any activity he or she is engaged in
when he or she feels the need to go to the bathroom. Most children have a bowel
movement once a day, usually within an hour after eating. Most children urinate
within an hour after having a large drink.
In addition to watching for signals that your child needs to urinate or have a
bowel movement, place your child on the potty at regular intervals. This may be
as often as every 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Stay with your child when he or she is on
the potty chair. Reading or talking to your child when he or she is sitting on
the potty may help your child relax. Praise your child when he or she goes to
the bathroom in the potty chair, but do not express disappointment if your
child does not urinate or have a bowel movement in the potty. Be patient with
your child.
What if toilet training/learning doesn't work?
If the first try was not succesful or the child refuses to use the potty, it's
usually because he/she was not ready. Take a break from the training for a
couple of months. Do not make a big deal out of it. The more you are stressed
about this the more your child will have difficulty.
If your child refuses to go in a potty or the toilet, let him/her have bowel
movements in a diaper to prevent constipation. Constipation resulting from
holding it in, can make going to the bathroom painful, something that will
certainly make toilet training more difficult.
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When to seek help?
Talk to your doctor if:
Your child still refuses after several tries or
Your child is older than 4 years of age
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