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Child Growth Chart (Interactive) Please Login
(A modified interactive Growth & Development Chart from)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Development Rates of Child
Children grow and develop at different rates. This table shows
the ages by which most young children develop certain abilities. It is normal
for a child to do some things later than the ages noted here. If your
child fails to do many of these at the ages given, or you have questions about
his or her development, talk with your child's doctor or other health care
2 Months
Smiles, coos
Watches a person, follows with eyes
4 Months
Laughs out loud
Lifts head and chest when on stomach, grasps objects.
6 Months
Babbles, turns to sound
Rolls over, supports head well when sitting
9 Months
Responds to name
Sits alone, crawls, pulls self up to standing
1 Year
Waves bye-bye, says mama or dada
Walks when holding on, picks up small objects with thumb and first finger
18 Months
Says 3 words other than mama or dada, scribbles
Walks alone, feeds self using spoon
2 Years
Puts 2 words together, refers to self by name
Runs well, walks up stairs by self
3 Years
Knows age, helps in buttoning clothing, washes and dries hands
Throws ball overhand, rides tricycle
4 Years
Knows first and last name, tells a story, counts 4 objects
Balances on one foot, uses children's scissors
5 Years
Names 4 colors, counts 10 objects
Hops on one foot, dresses self
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